Mainstream media rarely portrays the lifestyle and philosophy of parkour, so these online magazines decided to step in and fill that void.
If the masses think parkour is only for super athletes or daredevils, its probably due to misinformation from the media (but whats new right? *tear*).
Parkour magazines are important in order to reduce negative stigmas and properly inform the public. If you’re just getting into parkour you may not have heard of these awesome publications. They’re an accurate (and nifty) way to browse media of parkour. If you haven’t met them already, let me introduce MUV Magazine, Flogang, and Parkour EDU.
Muv Mag
Muv Mag is probably the most “magazine-ish” of the list.
Flat out stylish, covering multiple topics ranging from – to -. Videos. Articles. Beautiful design. Has parkour at the heart of it. Andrew started something awesome.
Flogang is a new video only magazine based in Colorado. So its not a scrollable resource like Muv Mag or Parkour Edu, but they dive head first into liquid arts culture. You can watch their second issue on their website for free. There are 3 total issues at the moment, and you can rent, buy, stream/download for under $5 bucks. Not much pricier than a typical magazine, except this is video. I saw their third issue at Jump Fest in Colorado and its high quality, creative, and intuitive. Keep a look out for the Flogang guys!
Parkour Edu
Of all three, this Parkour EDU is hands down the most informative (they have a coach certification class available, sooo… they serious). They have podcasts, research articles, consistent blogs, online courses for the serious newbies and so much more. Parkour EDU published a simple video about what parkour is which had the community sharing it with their non-parkour practicing peers. For many of us, it cleared up what we’d been trying to tell our friends and family for years, in just a couple minutes.
Do you like watching parkour media? Do you know of other parkour magazine type resources? Comment below or tweet me @emilyaliem