About Emily 'Aliem' Abernathy
My middle name is actually Catherine.


I’m a superhero nerd and love to practice parkour. While studying for my Emerging Media and Communications (EMAC) BA from UT Dallas, projects often required that we just make a media asset like a video, app or website mock up. While my classmates would scramble and go with their passion for cats, I chose to talk about parkour culture, lifestyle, and the effects on mass culture.
I ended up making multiple presentations, research papers, and media assets regarding parkour. My final senior capstone project was a web series, landing page, and research paper about how parkour is revolutionizing health and fitness. My favorite academic project hands down. Click the button below to see the landing page and web series.

Homeschooled throughout the later part of elementary and middle school, I began my tech career while continuing my piano lessons. My piano teacher needed help teaching her growing school music theory, and piano theory computer games were the solution. As one of her top students, I shared some of my first graphic designs with her simply out of joy. She asked if I wanted a job. For two years, I operated her computers and assisted instructing music theory. That has expanded to my freelance and corporate career.